Are You Oscillating or Growing?

Robert Trajkovski
3 min readJun 20, 2021


Ryoji Ikeda

Life happens to all of us. AT times it challenges us and at times we cruise along.

Recently I saw a picture that looked something like this:

source unknown

I have thought about that picture a lot and concluded that I do not agree that our lives are always stuck. The picture represents a life stuck in a channel of a certain frequency. Frequency is defined as the inverse of a period (time from peak to peak). This figure shows the same period repeated over and over again with the same amplitude(height peak to peak).

How can this be true?

Well, it can be true if we keep reliving the same experiences and making the same mistakes. By allowing our life to be made up of the same experiences we do not grow. We control our lives within that channel.

So should we be aggressive in order to get out of this channel?

I do believe that we must force ourselves to experience new things in order for our thought processes to change and for us to feel different enough to move out of the channel. Simply experiencing new things is one thing BUT allowing yourself to not have to have control is another. Total surrender.

Now that is tough for most of us.

Totally allowing yourself to experience new things. Allowing yourself to possibly fail in order to experience that newness and failure has to be our goal.

Note that I am not telling you to do something stupid. I am asking you to get out of your comfort zone that you control. I am asking you to get out of your safety bubble and get hit in the face with a punch in order to feel it. That is when you will know that it hurts and not to be afraid of being hit next time. You will also learn to maneuver a little better. LOL

I am asking you to purposely experience different.

Apple's ad slogan of think different was too simplistic in that it believed that it starts with just thinking. It does not. Why?

You can not think differently IF you do not experience different.

It is impossible.

But if you could allow yourself to experience then the curve will look different. Maybe something like this?

There is a concept of resonance in engineering. What is resonance?

The best example that is visual is the Tacoma, WA bridge collapse. The bridge got repeatedly hit by strong winds at a certain angle and it kept moving up and down until it broke. At resonance, the system output becomes infinite- very large.

For your life, with enough new experiences, you will enter a state of resonance and your output will be orders of magnitude bigger than what you are experiencing right now.

BUT you must be willing to go through the new experiences and uncomfortableness of them in order to resonate.

Experience Different… TO… Think Different

My four cents…

Bridge video can be seen below



Robert Trajkovski
Robert Trajkovski

Written by Robert Trajkovski

I have led people and projects in Steel/ Power, Refining, Chemicals, Industrial Gasses, Software, Consulting and Academia. I have instructed 73+ courses.

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