Are You So Good That They Can NOT Ignore You?
Goal: Discuss the writing process and number of reads
Writing for Medium has been interesting. I used to write a daily blog for four years so for me to write an article is not difficult at all.
Finding the right topic is also easy for me since I try to expose myself to numerous sources of information. These sources provide the clay and all I have to do is mold it with my own opinions and conclusions. The key is to show the connections between ideas.
After writing the articles I post them to Medium, FB, Twitter and LinkedIn. And this is where it gets interesting.
I have no idea how many people on FB read the articles. Once in a while I get a note from someone that they read it and commented on it. Even better they subscribe to follow me.
Twitter allows you to see statistics by clicking on the little bars under your post. For my posts usually 20–50 people read them.
LinkedIn shows you statistics for everyone to see. Some of my posts have gotten up to 1000 views.
This is where my problem comes in…
Medium is a paid platform and it also shows you statistics. I might see several hundred reads on the different platforms BUT on Medium they show a few. Their algorithms are horrible. When I have questioned them they have given me a bogus run around that they only pay if it is a paying member and that they have read the whole article.
After a few back and forth emails showing them screen shots and trying to engage with someone on a phone(they do not have a number) I gave up.
For the month of October I earned $0.02 cents for all of my articles. I do not know where I will spend those two cents. So many choices!!!!
What I have concluded is that I can only control the writing quality process. I can only control that my posts teach something worthwhile and transform people by having them think and do something different. That is it.
It is my goal to learn to write better and longer articles on Medium and elsewhere. I can control that part. They can not ignore you if the quality is very good(the work).
The numbers are the numbers and I will let those play out. Hopefully those become what I wish them to be(the wish).
I got to go…my future self alarm went off
Robert Trajkovski is professional with experience in leading people and projects in Steel/ Power, Refining, Chemicals, Industrial Gasses, Software, Consulting and Academia. He has worked for both owners and engineering companies. In addition, he has instructed 73+ courses at several institutions and often offers his courses for free on LinkedIn.
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