Do You Believe Everything Could Be Used As a Weapon?
…including the words in this article
July 2004 I was teaching an MBA course on Advanced Quantitative Analysis. The group was excellent and we really enjoyed our time together.
Last night of the class I asked the group to share with me on an index card their favorite quote. Most were very inspiring. BUT only one has stayed with me since that class.
Young woman, Sarah C., shared, “Everything could be used as a weapon.”
Being a martial artist for most of my life, I quickly mentally walked through that statement and concluded that she was right. But that review is limiting the power of that statement.
She said and implied was everything…Words, deeds, actions, no-actions, beliefs… are all weapons.
I thought about this statement while watching the recent assault on our democracy. The words of few based on false beliefs, weapons, were able to confuse and move people enough to attack one of the branches of our government.
Yes, Sarah was right. Everything can be a weapon.
The events recently really emphasize for me the power of words. Whether it is spoken or written is less important than whether it is internalized. Internalized as a belief that will move you to action.
This is why we must stand up against falsehoods. This is why we have to cut people off when they start with a false premise trying to build an argument. I have recently lost patience with people very close to me who have started our conversations with a falsehood that they have heard and internalized.
No you can not equate fights for our society to become more just and being better with desires to burn the democracy down. They are not equal. BUT hoodlums are hoodlums no matter what their belief is, whether on the left or right of center, if they are destroying property.
Yes we can have peaceful protests and not damage other people’s property or steal from other people/companies.
Yes we can stand in front of congress with signs and protest the actions if we disagree. BUT we can not forcefully enter and use our false beliefs to destroy the country. That is treason and should be punished.
I love this country and the principles that it was founded upon. It broke my heart that some people call themselves patriots and are willing to destroy it. The ones who entered the building need to be tried and if they entered the building never allowed to hold any political office in this country.
The senators and congressmen who could not defend our democracy should be removed by their states, never allowed to hold any office including dog catcher, and replaced with people that honor our constitution. They are not fit for office. If they have a law license, they should be stripped of them, and never given the privilege of practicing law.
As we saw, words do mean things. I hope you get short with people that are expressing stupid opinions based on falsehoods. Their alternative facts are LIES!!! Someone lied to them, they believed it, and are now spreading it.
These people do not love our country. Some of them will over time become anarchists. The one lady that was shot and later dies was a former Air Force veteran. She was willing to assault the very country she defended.
Because words are weapons…Anything could be used as a weapon..
Why the picture?
Bruce Lee was the ultimate weapon for a human. His mind was as impressive as his chiseled body. Most people remember him as an actor BUT he was so much more than just an actor. In the middle of nowhere someone felt inspired by him to paint a wall with his image. Did you notice the air conditioners? How about the funny characters? Pipes? Boxes?
The body and spirit of Bruce Lee was used as a weapon to inspire greatness.
My four cents….(this is what I earned from for March 2021)
I got to go…my future self alarm went off
My first product of the year is the t-shirt with a circle. It can be purchased at
My second product is MyLin app. It can be viewed following the link below:
My Third product is a clean design T-shirt available on Amazon: