Do You Want to Know the Secret to Immortality?
…it is pretty easy…and very hard…
My second book, 365 Questions of the Day- Volume 1, begins with a quote
“The key to immortality is to live a life worth remembering”-Bruce Lee
I love that quote and have spent many of hours pondering whether I was living a life worth remembering.
What does it mean to be remembered?
My mom passed away almost 2 years ago. Every day in some fashion I remember her or something she taught me directly or indirectly.
I believe that after we die that we continue living as long as our name and our lives are remembered and remarked about. So if one hundred years from now I am remembered then I would still be alive.
For most of us, once the closest to us die so do the memories of us. Pretty harsh but reality.
The picture above is of my visit to Bruce Lee’s grave on October 20,2019. A Sunday.
That week I was in Seattle for work and decided to stay the weekend. Before leaving on Sunday, I made it a point to drive to the grave.
It would have been easier for me to just stay in bed or go to a fancy breakfast restaurant BUT to me it was meaningful to pay my respect to Bruce (and his son Brandon).
To me Bruce was a philosopher, an artist, a martial artist, and an actor. I think if he had chosen any one of those other areas he would have been remembered today. BUT the combination of those is what made him memorable. And remarkable- worth remarking about.
He lived a life worth remarking and remembering.
What was interesting about the visit is that the cemetery is in a middle of a neighborhood and sits on a hill. His grave is at the top of the hill. The hill overlooks a lake. (For some silly reason there were tall bushes in front of the grave).
That Sunday, even with a bit of a drizzle, I counted that there were at least 20 people who had come to the gravesite. 20 PEOPLE!!!!
Yes 20 people were there to show there respect on a Sunday morning to a guy that had died in 1973 (almost 50 years go) and most likely none of us met him directly.
If that is not living a life worth remembering then I do not know a better definition. To be able to influence people 50 years after your death enough for them to come to your grave is phenomenal.
I wish you an infinite life…
My four cents…