Is Your Weakness Creating Damage In Your Life

And where can that lead you

Robert Trajkovski
4 min readNov 13, 2020
Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Goal: tell a story about how ignoring a weakness can lead to catastrophe

Many years ago I worked in a steel mill. Over the 12 years my position title changed often BUT my responsibility to solve any power problem in the mill stayed the same.

In my role I could sit in my office for months researching a product, get it funded, and then build a team to execute the project. Sometimes these issues were problems that cost millions of dollars downtime.

One of the tasks that I learned how to do well over the years in my role was to test new transformers. Industrial transformers are fairly large devices that typically change high voltage into a smaller more usable level one. Some of these were roughly 15 feet Cube.

I got very good at testing transformers because we hired a consulting company once and they could not test an exotic transformer we had on site. So I took the time to research and learn how to be an expert in testing transformers.

Where is this story going?

For many years I instructed younger engineers and technicians how to do these tests. They would move on or not show interest.

One time I was asked by another manager to help instruct a new young female engineer. She was accompanied by two technicians. One of them was a friend of mine with whom I did martial arts with and an older technician who was a month away from retirement.

The older gentlemen decided he wanted to work on top of the transformer while we energized it from the bottom. I instructed him that it is OK BUT that he cannot touch anything while up there. My former friend and the young engineer were at the foot of the transformer controlling the test equipment.

I did not plan on happened next.

After I instructed them on what I wanted them to do safely, I stood by the side and observed. My friend was operating the equipment while she told him what to set it to in order to perform the test. Almost immediately they started a side conversation about something.

After each setting and test, they continued talking and the older gentlemen moved the physical connections to another winding. It seemed to flow.

Because they were energizing the transformer, there was a potential for shock. Since they were having their side conversation, they did not notice that the older technician was still moving connections with the cables in his hand as they started the test.

I yelled STOP!!!

I told my former friend that he should stop talking with the engineer and pay attention to his work. He could have shocked the older guy and if he fell from the top of the transformer he surely would be dead. He started yelling back at me and the situation escalated.

This was two senior black belts within inches of each other with each one having the ability to kill the other in seconds. We had to be separated.

Any attempt to discuss the situation and unacceptable safety behavior by him was ignored. We never spoke or worked together ever again.

What I did not realize at the time was that he was enamored with the young engineer. She was young and beautiful and he took a liking to her. At that moment I clearly saw that his weakness was a beautiful woman. He put his coworker in danger to get closer to this woman.

If you look at recent times, the story how a single weakness has damaged a life or a career is not difficult to find. Remember the astronaut that drove across the country in a diaper to get at her enemy? This was a woman that had undergone extreme physical and mental tests to get to be an astronaut collapsed. The weak link in her mental chain was this affair she was having. It brought her down to her knees.

Many believe that working on strengths is more important than weaknesses. That is important BUT knowing your weaknesses and being able to control them is very important. Not knowing those weaknesses can lead to death.

Have you noticed that it is rare that anyone has been damaged by moderation? It is when we get to the extremes in our behaviors that we put ourselves in danger. This is when the weak link of our chain snaps and becomes more visible.

Ask yourself, “What is one thing that I do NOT do in moderation? And where can that lead me?” That is the start of being aware of your weakness. Next look for ways top control or eliminate it. That is the hardest part.

My two cents….(this is what I earned from in October 2020)

I got to go…my future self alarm went off

Robert Trajkovski is professional with experience in leading people and projects in Steel/ Power, Refining, Chemicals, Industrial Gasses, Software, Consulting and Academia. He has worked for both owners and engineering companies. In addition, he has instructed 73+ courses at several institutions and often offers his courses for free on LinkedIn.

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Robert Trajkovski
Robert Trajkovski

Written by Robert Trajkovski

I have led people and projects in Steel/ Power, Refining, Chemicals, Industrial Gasses, Software, Consulting and Academia. I have instructed 73+ courses.

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