Practice of Strategic Mind Diversion
..and lasting longer
Goal: Discuss an alternate way to focus intensely for longer time
Multitasking is something that a lot of people practice. They practice it rather poorly. It has been shown that it does not work. Switching time between tasks could use up 40% of the effort.
What’s better?
An alternative way to manage your time management is to think in terms of time blocks. If you are writing a paper/proposal/article and need 3 hours to write in block you put it on your schedule. Once there you fight like hell to not get interrupted in order for you to do your best work. You are managing the time management.
Reality is often very different.
Our minds have a hard time focusing for an extended amount of time. Yes we can enter a state of flow and work for those 3 hours BUT often the mind will wander.
Thoughts are like cars moving past you on a road. They will exist whether you want them or not. So the best you can do is notice them, capture them, and then get back to the work.
BUT can we use the disruptions to our advantage?
Imagine that you are working on the three hour block. And 45 minute into it you are distracted and remember that you have to write an email. You stop your heavily creative work to do something that does not require much creativity but clarity. So you write an email in 10 minutes(maybe you don’t finish) and then take a 5 min recharge break around the office or home.
Now you are back to your heavy creative work.
I have used that at times this technique to strategically give myself a short break during long creative sessions. It works better than trying to simply push through. Technique works especially if you are not in the flow and are simply being disciplined to actually do the work.
Why the picture?
The young lady had a look of intense focus. She is looking at you BUT thinking about something else. Strategic mind diversion is that diversion while engaging in a focused effort.
My three cents….(this is what I earned from for Feb. 2021)
I got to go…my future self alarm went off
My first product of the year is the t-shirt with a circle. It can be purchased at
My second product is MyLin app. It can be viewed following the link below:
My Third product is a clean design T-shirt available on Amazon: