The First Horsemen of Digital Apocalypse
…and how to slay it
Goal: Discuss Digital Deluge
Are you eating mostly Digital Twinkies or Brussels sprouts?
Our digital consumption is mostly Twinkies. We are binge eating data from questionable sources.
The amount of data we consume daily is equivalent to what a person would consume in a lifetime back in 1400. That seems so long ago and so slow.
You probably think that is irrelevant. Too long ago. Consider that today we spend on the average 8 hours online and tend to consume data at the rate of 3 times more than people did in the 1960s.
This is DIGITAL DELUGE. The first of our modern digital villains.
So what?
Imagine if your diet mostly consisted of eating Twinkies. What would happen to your waistline? It would get very soft.
So what happens to your mind if you are only feeding it Twinkies? Our mind which is a muscle, use it or lose it, starts to also get soft.
The price that we pay and sometimes notice is in the form of poor memory. You can’t remember things as well as you did before. I can remember my home phone number from 40 years ago but struggle to remember numbers for people close to me. Heck, I don’t even try.
We are going through life in a mental fog. The deluge of data is slowly drowning us just like a fog gets us wet. We don’t even think about it.
The poor memory and mental fog eventually take their toll. It is in the form of mental fatigue. You just feel like you have been hit with a hammer between the eyes. You feel dull.
So what is the remedy?
In my humble opinion, we need to start the day and end the day without technology. We should start the day with journaling, meditation, and planning. The end of the day should be concluded with reflection, planning, and relaxation.
Shut your phone off for an hour at the start of the day and for 2 hours at the end of the day. Put the Twinkie away and allow yourself to be bored, social, pensive, etc.
Allow yourself to Be without having to Digitally Do.
My nineteen cents….(this is what I earned from for Dec. 2020)
I gotta go…my future self alarm went off
My first product of the year is the t-shirt with a circle. It can be purchased at
My second product is MyLin app. It can be viewed following the link below:
My Third product is a clean design T-shirt available on Amazon: