The Second Horsemen of Digital Apocalypse
…and how to slay it
Goal: Discuss Digital Dementia
Our brains are very powerful. They store a lot of information, memories, and emotions in connections between neurons. Because of the storing ability, the brain can easily be compared to a hard drive. We keep storing and storing until we hit a wall.
BUT that analogy is false. Research has shown that the brain is more like a muscle.
How can a brain be more like a muscle than a hard drive?
Well, the brain gets better as it is used for a task. The more you do it the more natural it becomes and eventually it gets stored.
So what happens when we outsource the task of remembering to a smart phone or computer? The muscle does not get used and it weakens. Those connections between neurons start to decay. And over time we become a bit less smart because we are no longer building our long term memory muscles. Ultimately this breakdown in our ability to recall.
DIGITAL DEMENTIA is the second of our modern digital villain.
So what can we do?
Don’t outsource the ability to think and recall to devices. That is easier said than done.
For example, how many phone numbers do you remember? Probably less than 5. 5 might be a stretch for most people. This is because it is so easy to store a number in a phone.
I recommend that you take a new number of a family member or a friend that you want to remember and make it a part of your password that you enter most often.
Doing this will force you to memorize at least 12 numbers in a year. That might not seem like much BUT it is forcing to to exercise that muscle.
My nineteen cents….(this is what I earned from for Dec. 2020)
I gotta go…my future self alarm went off
My first product of the year is the t-shirt with a circle. It can be purchased at
My second product is MyLin app. It can be viewed following the link below:
My Third product is a clean design T-shirt available on Amazon: