What is Your Physical Goal For The Next 90 Days?
and why is that important?
Goal: Discuss the importance of having a physical goal to reach for
I want to loose 10% of my weight. 210 down to 190. I was at 199 about two months ago and let myself enjoy the holidays too much. I also stopped running. My runs were up to 7 miles with my 18 month old daughter in a stroller.
The picture above reminded me of my morning runs in Galveston, Texas where I lived and ran around the city for 6 years. It was fun to run near the beach.
Picture below is from a Marti Gras 13.1 mile race in Galveston Feb 2016. My weight now is where it was at the start of that race.
So why not wait till next year and create a new year’s resolution? This is what everyone does at the end of the year.
I started last week. I simply ran once. It was only 3.5 miles BUT distance was not important. The purpose was just to run. To get out the house and instead of taking my normal daily walk to run at a decent pace.
For me running is the only way I can reduce my weight. I can diet but do not like it. It seems that when I run, I start making better food choices naturally. I see the price of running one mile for each 100 calories. How quickly that 100 calories can be consumed and how long it normally takes me to run 1 mile.
It is my belief that physical exercise leads to better mental state. We start to think better and clearer. Once we have a clearer mind, that helps us with reaching a better emotional state. Our relationships start to click a little better. Lastly, we must connect to a higher purpose and source in order to find our energy is not being wasted.
For me that one run was a small step in that improvement loop. This week the goal is to get to run two times. (note that this week is much colder than last week). Next week 3 times. Following week, test a 5 mile run and maybe 7 miles shortly after new year.
Notice how quickly I can recover the loss of distance. I also realize that with being up to 7 miles I only dropped to 199 pounds.
What got me to 199 pounds won’t get me to 190?
I might have to go up to 10 miles and do it more than once per week. These are adaptations I will have to make weekly once I step on the scale each Monday morning.
You might hate running. That is OK. Pick something that gets you moving and sweating. Something that you enjoy participating in. Then slowly increase the performance level.
I hope you decide to start now and not wait. Proclaim it loudly to the world like I have in this article.
190 by end of January…or…
My seven cents….(this is what I earned from Medium.com for Nov. 2020)
I got to go…my future self alarm went off
Robert Trajkovski is professional with experience in leading people and projects in Steel/ Power, Refining, Chemicals, Industrial Gasses, Software, Consulting and Academia. He has worked for both owners and engineering companies. In addition, he has instructed 73+ courses at several institutions and often offers his courses for free on LinkedIn.